REESTART: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Energy Transition And Reinforced Trust between SMEs and ESCOs
For achieving the objectives:

Goals: 7. Affordable and clean energy, 8. Decent work and economic growth, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 13. Climate action
Recipient country: Lebanon
Sector: Energy conservation and demand side efficienty, Energy generation, Energy policy, Multiple technologies, Renewable sources
Sector: Energy conservation and demand side efficienty, Energy generation, Energy policy, Multiple technologies, Renewable sources
Period: 2019-2022
The general aim of REESTART (Renewable Energy and energy Efficiency for Sustainable energy Transition And Reinforced Trust between SMEs and ESCOs - EuropeAid/163032/DD/ACT/LB) is to contribute to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and job creation in support of Lebanon’s clean energy transition. To this purpose, the Specific Objective of the project is to enhance higher levels of investment in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Lebanon, through the creation of a more enabling environment for local ESCOs to operate and grow.
ENEA Activities:
- Suggestion of suitable technologies to be used by energy companies as technological solutions for their proposals to businesses and public administration
- Technical support in energy audits assessments carried out by energy companies
- Technical support to energy companies for the implementation of pilot projects in energy efficiency and renewable energy sector
- Comparative analysis between Lebanese and Italian regulatory frameworks, relating to the overall energy and the ESCOs sectors
- Development of a roadmap for institutions to foster the ESCOs sector growth, by means of the foundation of an ESCOs federation