Awareness-raising and promotion of safe use of chemicals - Project IFS 31
For achieving the objectives:
Goals: 3. Good health and well-being, 17. Partnerships for the goals
ENEA has developed procedures and protocols for the safe management of chemicals, in order to ensure their correct and not illicit use by applying the EU systems REACH and RASFF. The Agency carries out isotopic surveys to identify the origin of chemicals.
Benefits and Advantages:
- creation of an international network of institutions for the safe and dual use of chemicals in the different geographical areas
- exchange of information on scenarios and strategies
- coding of common guidelines for elaborating models and educational contents to promote the safe and dual use of chemicals
- pervasive diffusion of good practices with lower waste of human and financial resources
ENEA Services::
- technical support
- isotopic analytical techniques
- consulting
- training
ENEA Activities:
Project “Network of universities and institutes for raising awareness on dual-use concerns of chemical materials (COE 31)”, implemented in the geographical areas of Middle East, North Africa, South-East Asia, South-East Europe and Central Asia, under the EU initiative “EU CBRN Risk Mitigation Centre of Excellence (CoE) Initiative.