ENEA official site
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
ENEA Atlas for development cooperation

Early warning systems for hydro-meteorological hazards

For achieving the objectives:
goal 11
goal 13
goal 15
Goals: 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 13. Climate action, 15. Life on land

Sector: Methodologies, Services


ENEA makes use of a weather forecasting model that can be applied in different territorial contexts, e.g., to predict the amount of rain expected to fall on a given area and can be implemented to alert population in case of intense precipitations that is likely to put people, infrastructure, crops or the environment in jeopardy. The model can be integrated with other systems for monitoring and forecasting severe hydro-meteorological events such as, e.g., floods or landslides.

Benefits and Advantages:

  • Prevention against damage to crops and livestock due to adverse weather events
  • Mitigation of economic damage to infrastructures and business activities due to adverse weather events

ENEA Service:

  • Monitoring and forecasting of weather events
  • Consulting
  • Technical support

ENEA Activities:

ENEA has a long consolidated experience on mesoscale meteorological modelling (with a spatial resolution from some tens to a few km), which has recently been applied to implement an atmospheric modelling system over Lebanon (see Figure 1). ENEA has also set up a forecasting system providing meteorological fields up to 3 days on Italy with a 4km resolution. Starting from such fields, forecasting on polluting concentrations is made by CTM (Chemical Transport Model) AMS-MINNI. The model can potentially reach spatial scales down to those of a nowcasting system (of the order of 1-2 km) on areas of some hundreds of kilometers.

Average temperature in Lebanon


Territorial and Production Systems Sustainability


Published: 3/05/2019