ENEA official site
Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
ENEA Atlas for development cooperation

Methods for evaluation of sustainable farming techniques

For achieving the objectives:
goal 2
goal 12
Goals: 2. Zero hunger, 12. Resp. consumption/production

Sector: Methodologies, Services


ENEA develops control techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of sustainable farming approaches to limit the use of synthetic agrochemicals by implementing modern agronomic practices for crop fertilization and animal and plant pest control.

Benefits and Advantages

  • Validation of sustainable farming technologies
  • Higher food safety

Enea Service

  • Technology transfer
  • Consulting
  • Training


ENEA Activities

Validation of the “butte sandwich” system (developed by the NGO Tamat) and demonstration of the efficacy of some biological pesticides, such as Bacillus thuringiensis, in some farming realities in Burkina Faso (RASAD Project)

Project: Purchasing networks for food security with the support of Diaspora Burkinabé of Italy R.A.S.A.D.

Burkina Faso: peanuts cultivation
Burkina Faso: cabbage cultivation


Energy Technologies Department - Biomass and Biotechnologies for Energy Laboratory


Published: 29/09/2017